
Robert H. Rines

It’s with great sadness to report the death of Robert H. Rines, an inventor, lawyer, professor, researcher and composer. He died Sunday after battling a series of illnesses. Rines was 87.

He is survived by his wife, Joanne Hayes-Rines, former editor and publisher of Inventors Digest, and other family. Those close to the family say the couple recently had made plans to visit Bermuda, where they were married.

We will be updating this post as warranted.

Rines possessed a giant and playful intellect, he was a driving force in the intellectual property community, and he could play a mean violin.

He helped develop microwave and ultrasound technology – technology he used to try to find the legendary Loch Ness Monster.lochnessrinesexpedition At age 11 he played a violin duet with Albert Einstein at summer camp in Maine.

Rines composed music for Blast and Bravos, a play on the life of H.L. Mencken. Also composed scores for O’Casey’s Drums Under the Windows, O’Neill’s Long Voyage Home, Strindberg’s Creditors and shared an Emmy Award with playwright Paul Shyre in 1987 for the television and later Broadway play Hizzoner the Mayor.

Inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 1994, Rines lectured at Harvard University and M.I.T. He retired from lecturing in 2008, after 45 years. He also served on the Technical Advisory Board of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

He founded the Franklin Pierce Law Center, a private law school located in Concord, New Hampshire. He is also the founder of the Academy of Applied Science, a Massachusetts and New Hampshire based organization dedicated to the promotion of science, technology and inventions, particularly among high school students.

Rines holds a Bachelor in Sciences from M.I.T., received a Juris Doctor from Georgetown University in 1946 and did his Ph.D. thesis at National Chiao Tung University in 1972. During World War II, Rines served as a U.S. Army Signal Corps officer and helped develop the Microwave Early Warning System.