The term “Intellectual Property” can sound intimidating, but its essential concepts are quite simple. Just as simple is this reality: Anyone even remotely connected to inventing needs to understand these essentials as they relate to patents, trademarks and copyrights.

That’s what the second annual Intellectual Property Awareness Summit, November 29 at Columbia University, is all about. The event, hosted by the Center for IP Understanding in conjunction with Columbia University Technology Ventures, is a must-attend for any person or organizations connected with innovation.

Among the long, star-studded list of scheduled speakers and participants is Andrei Iancu, the director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Also speaking will be Priceline founder Jay Walker, who owns nearly 1,000 utility patents.

The range of others who are committed to participate runs from IP Hall of Fame member Marshall Phelps (formerly of Microsoft and IBM) to David Lowery, leader of the rock group Cracker and a copyright advocate. See for an updated program and speakers.

Last year’s first-ever summit, in Chicago, was the first conference to examine the widespread confusion over the purpose and use of IP rights and their impact. This year’s event seeks to build even more understanding, in the context of 2018 events that included the landmark Oil States v. Greene’s Energy ruling.

Attendees will hear these experts’ insights and advice to help them stay current with IP needs for their interests and businesses.