LatestYour USPTO: News Flash July 2024
The USPTO granted its 12 millionth utility patent on June 4.
American Inventors
LatestOff-the-Cuff Discovery
Here is a line of creative, innovative, assistive devices invented by three sisters from California while one of the sisters was rehabbing from a thumb injury. These products help young children and seniors, as well as people with disabilities.
Eye On Washington
Latest2022’s Greatest Hits (and Misses)
Experts weigh in on the most important IP developments of the past year.
Inventing 101
LatestLicensing? Consider a Sales Rep Partner
Inventors often form alliances or partnerships with sales reps because they don’t have established contacts in the industry, or they need a partner to help foot the bill.
This vintage ad, sent by California Invention Center Executive Director Larry Udell, is a hot one indeed. After all, who doesn’t want a childish tailpipe attachment for racecar wannabes? And it’s a great way to meet many of your curious local police officers.
Lander Zone
LatestWho Are You, Anyway?
You must know the main characteristics of inventors and entrepreneurs to max out both skillsets.
Marketing Tips
LatestThe Art of the Newsjack
Great publicists will always be looking for things in the news that make your product or invention reportable.
Bright Ideas
LatestA Mechanical Puzzle and More
The makers of the Tetra Puzzle say “It's a captivating and mysterious challenge to understand and unlock. It activates your spatial reasoning and manual dexterity skills in a way that's immersive and deeply engaging.”
Time Tested
LatestGame of Thrones
The modern flush toilet, which solved an important sanitary problem, has a bizarre history.
Inventors Digest is produced in partnership with Enventys Partners, a leading crowdfunding marketing agency and product development firm.